Thursday, April 21, 2016

Final Assignment: Due in class May 5

For the final, each group will present its final blog in the class Thursday, May 5.  You will perform your national anthem and your national dance. There will be bonus points for dressing in the native costume of your country. There will be extra credit for videotaping your dance and anthem and posting them to your blog. We will have a potluck. Each group will bring a food that is indigenous to its nation, enough to share with the class (don't overdo it!). I will bring cups and paper plates and forks and knives. Our final will be in our regular classroom.

We will vote on best nation. This will count toward your final grade.

Your national anthem is to be recorded in a fixed medium and posted to your blog. You may choose to also perform your national dance in a video and show it in class in lieu of performing live; but if you do it must be posted to your blog by midnight on May 5.

Blog Post 11 Due April 28

Please develop at least three specific laws to address the anti-social behaviors that were evidenced in the White family. These laws should be consistent with the guarantees made in your constitution. Each group member is responsible for developing one law, so if there are four members in your group there must be four laws. Explain how you would enforce your law. Also each member must comment on another bolg's laws.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blog Post 10 Due April 21

Please be creative, and come up with some policy recommendations as to how to handle the situation with the Whites. You should consider drug policy, prenatal care, incarceration, education, and who is going to pay for it all.

One more thing. Your daughter is "dating" one of the Whites and believes she can "change" him. Oh, and her period is late.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Blog Post 9 Due April 14 - The Natives are Restless

We are going to watch a documentary called The Wild and Woderful Whites of West Virginia.

That's the good news. The bad news is that the Whites represent the culture of your native population. And due to illegal immigration from neighboring islands and prolific inbreeding, they are growing at a rate double your settler population and will become the majority in 30 years.

So you have some time to make things work. Each of you please blog about how you would identify the problems and issues associated with a brutal, uneducated, drug-addled underclass who doesn't really care about your rules. Then suggest some solutions that your group can discuss turning into policy in the coming weeks.

One more thing. One of the Whites is "dating" your daughter, who thinks she can save him. Oh, and her period's late.