Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blog Assignment 3 Due February 25

Having watched The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, for this week I'd like you to blog on the following quotes:

Law without force is impotent; force without law is blind." Blaise Pascal

"The capacity of people for good makes democracy desirable; their capacity for evil makes democracy necessary." Reinhold Niebhur

Explain if and why you agree with this statement.

Also announcing:

For the next two blogging cycles I am awarding extra points to the one blog which garners the most number of bona fide comments from the other bloggers in the class. One hundred extra points will be spread among the members of the blog with the most number of comments for that cycle. You are permitted to negotiate with other blogs and make blogging agreements ("treaties") regarding commenting and participating in your blog.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blogging Assignment 2 Due February 18

Blog posts are due Thursdays at midnight. Here is your second assignment:

Blog Assignment 2 (Due February 18): Blog on a current issue involving the law in your area of interest. Use an article from any new source or other media to show the class an issue in your area that is being affected by current laws. Describe where the laws come from, whether they are local, state or federal, and discuss the current issue.